Monthly Archives: November 2018

Snackbar 0.6.0

About 3 years after the last release we published 0.6.0 yesterday.

In the background we had to struggle with the new development environment, in 3 years Google changed a lot how to develop for Android.

For the user, here is the changelog:

  • bugfix: round points in achievements dialog (to avoid endless floating numbers), fixes #36
  • improved shop dialog, fixes #9 (optimized layout, long press possible)
  • bugfix: made everything non-selectable which prevents some nasty effects on Android
  • upgrade toastr js library to latest version and use minifed version (save about 10k)
  • make achievements notification clickable and link to achievements dialog, fixes #12
  • notifications at the bottom, fixes #13 (was already fixed?)
  • optimized handling of landscape format
  • Android: first step towards fullscreen


For the 0.6.x series I want to smoothen some raw edges, make it more appealing for first-time users (eg UI, improved Intro, maybe a small tutorial, ..) but also implement new features (to be defined, but I have a few good(?) ideas).